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  • Dr. Kaustubh Radkar

When the going gets tough....

When the going gets tough?

“Hey we gotta play, stronger, harder, harder-tougher everything ~ Tom Brady,” during Superbowl 51 vs. Atlanta Falcons as the Patriots trailed 28-3.

Lately I have seen people all around me start losing their workout intensity for many reasons some of it is the weather; some fatigue; some plain simple diet related or lifestyle related. A weekly question that we get as coaches is that do we need to stick to your schedule or go faster when we want to? The answer is not straightforward and it really varies from person to person, but rest assured 99% of the times the answer will be stick to what we give. That means not going crazy on off days with gym or cross training; even when the pace is slower trying to stick to given intensity as much as possible; Not signing up for boat load of races; not showing up to group workouts constantly.

When we build workouts, we also factor in that we are going to set you up to fail. Now failure for a lot people is a major demotivator, for us it is the bang opposite. When you fail you pay attention to what went wrong that doesn’t happen all the time, you start understanding the importance of accepting each day as it comes, and realizing just like in life you have high&lows same with running. So many times I have been quoted "one day doesn’t define you," it’s both for a one hit wonder or one bad day. Our principal philosophy at RadStrong is consistency matters, and you will see the results at one point or another.

So you had a bad day? Understand its ok, it’s not the end of the world, it means the next one will be better and the one after even better. "When things get tough, the tough get going it is said, and so do we ~ KBR."

I have had 2 bad years 2014-15 where I was way off my targets, even finishing workouts was a challenge, but I was patient and got through it and so will you. In our team at RadStrong why we differ from others is we have orthopedic doctor, general doctors, sports nutritionist, coach Amod whose 2 x Boston qualifier, and of course Dr. Kaustubh Radkar, 17x Ironman and Kona qualifier. These are tools you need to utilize smartly, when needed. The season will heat up, and you will fail, not every race will be a PB, but if you stick to the goal, the big picture then you will get a Pb, or finish that race you have in mind. Doug Williams of Super bowl winning QB was asked how did he manage to slay the Denver Broncos, his reply was “I managed to ignore my critics, and sometimes I ignored myself when I doubted myself.

Harness your will, dream big, work really hard for it and enjoy the small moments, but dont get bogged down by the missies. Michael Jordan once said "I have missed more than 9000 shots, and failed many times that why I have been successful." So be ready to miss a few shots, but we know the big one with the game on line will present itself at one point or another, and YOU won’t miss it.

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